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Maddie’s Graduation

After four short years, Maddie completed her Bachelors degree with a major in political science and history. We flew from SFO to Boston, with an overnight stop in Grafton to visit our friends Nick & Jerlyn.

The next day, we headed on to Brunswick and met up with Maddie, Fran & Bill. Maddie took us to many of her favorite places; the pottery studio she managed on campus, her favorite study halls and coffee shops. The night before graduation, the college hosted a lobster bake.

The graduation was Saturday morning at 10am, but with several thousand people attending, we went at 8am to get decent seats. The weather forecast was mixed, with a chance of rain, but thankfully, it never did. Just remained overcast for most of the day.

The event was long, but memorable, with dedications to three students who had lost their lives recently.

Four hundred fifty students walked across the stage to receive their diploma, then we had a box lunch in the gym. Later that evening, Maddie and her friend, Erin, made dinner at their house for 10 of us. Me/Kelley, Bill/Fran, Doug/Liz, Harry/Suzanne and of course, Maddie and Erin. It was delicious and we really appreciated the effort.

That night, Kelley started having a scratchy throat. Sunday morning, we picked up a Covid test and it was positive. So we rebooked our return flight and booked a new hotel stay in Boston.